
Helpful tutorials
for your server administration

Step by step to an eye-opening experience

Do you have questions about the handling of our hosting products or your server administration? Or don't quite know where to start? So that nothing gets in the way of your project, our videos tutorials are designed to give you a clear overview and help you to understand our products and their handling more easily, step by step.

Server tool KeyHelp®

KeyHelp® FAQ series

How to install KeyHelp
How to get started
Application installer
Customizing with White Label
Create and restore backups
Set up and create SSL certificates

Tutorials for beginners

Instruction manuals

Operating system upgrade tutorials

API documentation

Would you like to read more details about using KeyHelp? You can find the KeyHelp manuals below:

User manual | Administrator manual

The new customer portal

KeyControl / KCP – The customer portal of Keyweb AG

KeyDisc Pro

A fast and secure backup – with KeyDisc Pro!


General introduction into the KeyCloud interface

Any questions or suggestions? – We will be happy to help you!

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